Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Congresswomen Cosponsor Nan Hayworth Repealing the Jobs Killing Health Care Law Act

Newly elected Congresswomen Nan Hayworth of the 19 district in New York is part of the Tea Party fervor to hit Washington DC. FreedomWorks financed by the billionaire Koch brothers with Dick Army the President. Teaming up with Glen Beck and Sarah Palin and now Congresswomen Hayworth. Congresswomen Hayworth a cosponsor of H.R.2 Repealing the Job Killing Health Care Law Act and H.R. 21 Short Title “Reclaiming Individual Liberty Act” and official title “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the mandate that individuals purchase health insurance.” Representatives Nan Hayworth and Ann Marie Buerkle from the 25 district in New York are the only two cosponsors of H.R. 21 to repeal healthcare reform that are from the Northeast.

With Congresswomen Nan Hayworth getting the majority of her money for her campaign from Medical PAC’s, people in the medical field and her own self financing of over a half a million dollars. She and her husband are both doctors. Doctor Scott Hayworth is a senior advisor at Arsenal Capital Partners a private equity firm that manages over 800 million dollars. Doctor Scott Hayward is also President and Chief Executive Officer of the Mount Kisco Medical Group (MKMG) with 235 physicians. MKMG is a multi-million dollar operation that receives millions of dollars annually from the insurance companies and government for medical services that are rendered. So who is Congresswomen Hayworth serving in her cosponsor of the H.R. 2 bill Repealing the Jobs Killing Health Care Law Act.

It is not like Congresswomen Hayworth does not have any horses in health care reform. Yet on her official government and personal website she offers no alternative solutions other than repeal of Obama Health Care. She and her family have made millions of dollars off our health care system. Where is Doctor, now Congresswomen Hayworth outline of a better health care system? Or is she in Washington DC serving to protect the current status-quo of profit in health care for her family and partners in the medical field that helped finance her campaign for Congress.

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