Saturday, October 24, 2009
Israel Must Reform
The Goldstone United Nations report has hit a nerve with the Israeli government because it high-lights one piece of the truth that has gone on for decades. The true facts on the ground and the realities of truth are clearly in the Palestinian people’s favor. United States Ambassador Susan Rice called for the an end to “anti-Israel vitriol” attacks at the United Nation in Jerusalem while the United States-European and the State of Israel play out two weeks of war games. The United States and the State of Israel are the master of mass media manipulation of the truth to cover their path of sins and crimes of the past. Prime Minister Netanyahu address to the United Nation in Sept. 2009 epitomizes this so well. Talking about the Goldstone Report, Holocaust and the Islamic terrorists as Israeli’s right to do anything to defend her self.
What the State of Israel has done in the name of defense is to create a Slowocaust with a very sophisticated high tech military industrial complex over the last sixty years. Today it is only Israelis that can make better military hardware and software than the United States military industrial complex. For two weeks they will test the software and hardware of these missiles near Gaza and the West Bank where the Palestinian people have been living imprisoned under Israel military control for years. So something as simple as a plane helicopter, or jet flying over head has a totally different meaning and feeling that someone who lives under imprisoned occupation for so long.
The latest military actions the State of Israel that has done outside borders of Israel proper must be investigated and those worthy of trial must be tried before the International Court of Law. Including the bombings, military attacks and occupation of Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, West Bank and Iraq. Only after the State of Israel has been held accountable for its illegal military and social action against the Palestinian people and dramatic internal political changes are made. Then the State of Israel should be respected as South Africa and Germany are today within the global community of nations.
So if United States Ambassador Susan Rice wants to bring an end to the “anti-Israel vitriol” attacks by the international community of nations. Have the United States government put the pressure on the government of Israel to change her evil ways of today and to make amends with the Palestinian people. The transformation of Germany and South Africa would have never taken place without the global international pressure being applied. The same kind of international pressure has to be applied on the State of Israel to make the reforms that are needed to gain acceptance and respect within the international community of nations.