Sunday, September 30, 2007
Hillary Endorse Israel’s Bombing of Syria
Israel has once again lowered the bar for preemptive war by bombing Syria with little to no government response after their mission. It was only last year (2006) Israel bombed the hell out of Lebanon with the United States airlifting more cluster-bombs to Israel. What other nation could carry out the same military actions against her neighbors as the State of Israel has for the last sixty years and not be called a terrorist state. The State of Israel has a military arsenal that could destroy the Middle East and most of Europe. For too many years the State of Israel has gotten away being an un-official military nuclear power.
By Israel holding the status as an un-official military nuclear power she does not have to be accountable to the international community standards and laws. Israel has created a state of denial to get away with her nuclear weapons program and her uncivil and inhuman treatment of her neighbors. Israel could only get away with what she has gotten away with the blessing of both major political parties in the United States. Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton gave the Israelis her blessing on the Israeli air strike on Syria in the Democratic Debates at Dartmouth Collage.
Only with the support of both major American political Parties can the State of Israel get away with the murder and mayhem that she has for so many years. This is why so many people hate us as we stand united in terrorizing the lives of so many people in the Middle East. As long as anyone from the United States or Israel sets a different standard than they are willing to live by, they will be seen as being wrong and as a hypocrite by the majority of the people of the world. If the United States really wants to help the people of Israel and Middle East there will have to be great reform from our current ways. This model of reform must happen on an international level in many different places around the world with a higher level of thinking being given to the indigence people of the world.
By Israel holding the status as an un-official military nuclear power she does not have to be accountable to the international community standards and laws. Israel has created a state of denial to get away with her nuclear weapons program and her uncivil and inhuman treatment of her neighbors. Israel could only get away with what she has gotten away with the blessing of both major political parties in the United States. Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton gave the Israelis her blessing on the Israeli air strike on Syria in the Democratic Debates at Dartmouth Collage.
Only with the support of both major American political Parties can the State of Israel get away with the murder and mayhem that she has for so many years. This is why so many people hate us as we stand united in terrorizing the lives of so many people in the Middle East. As long as anyone from the United States or Israel sets a different standard than they are willing to live by, they will be seen as being wrong and as a hypocrite by the majority of the people of the world. If the United States really wants to help the people of Israel and Middle East there will have to be great reform from our current ways. This model of reform must happen on an international level in many different places around the world with a higher level of thinking being given to the indigence people of the world.